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Junior Membership Program
FREE First Membership
Junior Membership Program for First time Flyers

Free First Membership When You Join a Club
The new Juniors Membership Program for the 2024-2025 financial year supports Juniors getting into the sport by providing their first years membership for free.
It can be exciting learning a new sport and sometimes the cost can be a real barrier to entry.
This new VMAA initiative is there to help juniors join a club and reduce the over cost of entry into this great sport.

Participating clubs
New members are the life blood of the club and the sport.
It’s the same old story where those who entered the sport as a junior, often come back to the sport in later years.
Your local club is asked to contribute to this program by also waiving the first years membership fee for Junior members.
As detailed above, the club can assist by reducing the finacial burden for a junior to join.
This is especially important considering your club has mostlikey assited with a try fly day, use of the club trainer and other support for newcomers. Free membership is one factor that can ensure your investment in time and resources results in a positve outcome.

Current First Year Juniors
There is nothing worse than seeing a discount today on something you purchased yesterday, unless a parent paid for it. Anyway, if you are a first time junior who has signed up since July this year, you will receive a voucher from the VMAA to cover next years VMAA and MAAA fees.
To receive your voucher fill out the form below. (Form coming soon)