Club Brochure Program
The VMAA Committee is promoting RC Aero Sports by providing financial and marketing support to clubs who can use a customised brochure for their club. The idea of this brochure is to help promote your club and the sport in general.
The Brochure
Here is an example of the Bairnsdale brochure that the club has organised itself and will be used as the template.
The Brochure is A4 in size and has two folds to DL making 3 sections on both sides.
The sizing and folding allows for the brochures to fit on tables, counters and in brochure stands, or in the simple brochure holders, or lay flat without taking up too much room.
Bairnsdale will be placing some at the local information centre brochure stand.
Click on image to see larger view
Use the control key and scroll on your mouse to zoom in
The Process
The VMAA will support the Clubs by assisting with the design and providing funding to have the brochures printed.
The application form will require you to fill out your club details and will ask some questions about the club to assit with customised wording and colours to help promote your club.
Start thinking about what makes your club special or unique, and who the contact person will be in relation to questions and sign off in relation to design.
It is important to note that when a proof is provided changes can only be made a couple of times.
Review the template BADMAC brochure and have your images and information carfully prepared when making the initial application.
The template will be customised in specific areas while maintaining a large portion of the standard wording.
Once the brochure design is finalised the club can get printing quotes and choose a printer.
The VMAA will support the printing cost up to the value of $200, this provides flexibility in case the club decides they want to print more for example.
The BADMAC club used Vista Printing, and the VMAA has used in the past, however your club can ultimately decide where to get the brochures printed. Just for reference, the BADMAC club chose to print 1000 brochure as it was only a little more than 500 units, and the cost was about $209.
The next Step
Are you ready to go?
Have you checked out the BADMAC brochure template?
Chosen your photos?
Thought about what makes your club special?
Click here to start the application process
The Fine Print
The committee will provide financial support up to $200 towards the brochures.
The VMAA will supply the artwork.
The designated club contact will be provided an opportunity to review the artwork with decisions being made promtly.
It is the responsibility of the Club to make sure they choose a suitable printer. (Allow for delivery)
Feel free to reach out to the committee for assistance.
This document will be updated from time to time to reflect any questions or feedback we get.
Updated as of 13.11.2024 7:30 pm